Our History


Dmyth was born in March 2012 as a golf apparel brand. With the brand theme of "Story of Adventure", we entrusted golf wear with a message to those who continue to have a sense of adventure in golf. After that, at the end of 2019, we stopped developing golf wear and shifted to manufacturing products specializing in golf socks and caps. For the arch support socks, which have become a continuing product, skilled craftsmen carefully select the materials and functions required by professional golfers and manufacture them by gathering various know-how cultivated so far.

We have a deep relationship with the golf industry, and some of our staff members started playing competitive golf in the junior generation and aspired to become professional golfers but gave up halfway through.

We are also surrounded by tour professionals and many friends who play golf for a living. The biggest driving force that has allowed us to continue the Dragon Myth brand to this day is because of the strong support of the friends we met through golf.

The circle was small at the beginning of the brand's inception, but we were able to expand it little by little, believing that continuity is power. That continuity and gratitude is our treasure through golf.